Boosting Medication Adherence for Hypertensive Patients

We are on a mission to support hypertensive patients in managing their hypertension and live healthier lifes one dose at a time

The problem is


10.6 million

One in five people in the UK, are diagnosed as having high blood pressure.

10.6 million

One in five people in the UK, are diagnosed as having high blood pressure.

10.6 million

One in five people in the UK, are diagnosed as having high blood pressure.


of the diagnosed do not take their pills as described


of the diagnosed do not take their pills as described


of the diagnosed do not take their pills as described
Those who don't can suffer:

- Heart attacks, blindness, kidney failure and strokes

Those who don't can suffer:

- Heart attacks, blindness, kidney failure and strokes

Those who don't can suffer:

- Heart attacks, blindness, kidney failure and strokes

Which costs the UK economy

£26 billion

Which costs the UK economy

£26 billion

Which costs the UK economy

£26 billion

and NHS hospital admissions for heart attacks every

5 minutes

and NHS hospital admissions for heart attacks every

5 minutes

and NHS hospital admissions for heart attacks every

5 minutes

The solution is


A system that connects hypertension patients, doctors and loved ones through an IoT smart pill dispenser that monitors medication adherence.

Instant medication adherence data

The pill compartment opens. A signal is sent to the database to create a report.

Pillsure produces data in real-time that couldn’t be measured before.

Now the data fed into the reports, paint the full picture of the patients.

Doctors can better evaluate how patients manage their hypertension and can provide personalised treatments, or act when they see unfavorable trends in the management.

Empowering a Care Network

We believe that the people who can best support patients are those who care for you; family, friends and close ones.

We call them, the "Care network".

Patients can nominate who gets access to their data. The Care Network will send the right support to the patient as and when needed.

The data gathered by Pillsure is shaped into reports doctors use to evaluate hypertension patients and provide personalised treatments.

Patients using the Pillsure device can see in the Pillsure app ways of

The data gathered by Pillsure is shaped into reports doctors use to evaluate hypertension patients and provide personalised treatments.

Patients using the Pillsure device can see in the Pillsure app ways of

Relieving the NHS

1.3bn people suffer hypertension, causing strokes and acute coronary syndrome.

Managing these costs the economy over £45k each.

Strokes increase NHS dependence, raising costs and strain on the NHS which faces record waiting lists and growing demand.

Pillsure focuses on early intervention to prevent secondary care, reduce costs, and alleviate NHS strain.

Get in touch if you think you can help us!

This is the


Laurent Galichet


Laurent Galichet


Laurent Galichet


Fung-Wah Man


Fung-Wah Man


Fung-Wah Man


Dr. Yannis Argirakis

Device & Data

Dr. Yannis Argirakis

Device & Data

Dr. Yannis Argirakis

Device & Data

Ngatye Brian Oko

Behavioural Research & UX Design

Ngatye Brian Oko

Behavioural Research & UX Design

Ngatye Brian Oko

Behavioural Research & UX Design

Dr. Aseem Mishra

Academic GP, CVD Clinical Lead Greater Manchester

Dr. Aseem Mishra

Academic GP, CVD Clinical Lead Greater Manchester

Dr. Aseem Mishra

Academic GP, CVD Clinical Lead Greater Manchester

Dr. Seema Sharma

Academic Researcher GM ICP

Dr. Seema Sharma

Academic Researcher GM ICP

Dr. Seema Sharma

Academic Researcher GM ICP


Jamie Tingle


Jamie Tingle


Jamie Tingle


Boris Sossa

Board Member, Inventor & Founder Shareholder

Boris Sossa

Board Member, Inventor & Founder Shareholder

Boris Sossa

Board Member, Inventor & Founder Shareholder

Dr. Michael Smith

Board Member & Founder Shareholder

Dr. Michael Smith

Board Member & Founder Shareholder

Dr. Michael Smith

Board Member & Founder Shareholder

Advisory Board

Dr. Simon Elliot

Advisory Board: Research

Dr. Simon Elliot

Advisory Board: Research

Dr. Simon Elliot

Advisory Board: Research

Dr. Juan Miguel

Advisory Board: IoT

Dr. Juan Miguel

Advisory Board: IoT

Dr. Juan Miguel

Advisory Board: IoT

Dr. Annie Hunniger

Advisory Board: Patient Safety

Dr. Annie Hunniger

Advisory Board: Patient Safety

Dr. Annie Hunniger

Advisory Board: Patient Safety

Interested in working with us?


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